Gillespie Photography - Top Colorado Mountain Wedding Photographers

Trent Gillespie

During college, Trent worked in a photography lab gutting film canisters, chopping negatives and making prints. Thousands of frames later, it became time to transition from the development side of photography into the production of it. After graduating from the University of Northern Colorado with a Journalism degree and a stint in photo journalism, it led him to one of the most challenging, exciting and riveting arenas in the industry. Wedding photography.

Several years after going full time with Gillespie Photography, he met Stacy and managed to drag her along on his many photo adventures. In 2013 they were married and now serve as Gillespie Photography’s primary photographers.

Outside of photography, he loves spending time on the water, racing down powder covered slopes strapped to a board, backpacking in the rocky mountains, and planning for the next adventure. He’s thankful for many things, but most importantly, a graceful God.


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Trent Gillespie's Portfolio